‘I was gonnae.’ Those words will ring out again and again across Scotland before the bells tonight. But this is no exceptional year. In today’s Scotland, there are too many ‘fearties’ among us. Those ‘timorous wee beasties’ who won’t take a risk or tread outside the security of familiarity. Why in a nation that gave birth to many of the ideas that created the modern world, do so many shrink into the shadows and resist the new. This is a time for risk-takers, leaders, doers, champions, outliers, creators and innovators. Let’s rediscover the ‘gallusness’ that once defined us.
I Was Gonnae is a charity launched today to inspire and support people out of work and despondent to ‘dae’ something amazing with their life. Ignore those ignorant loudmouths that tell you you’re small or unworthy. And don’t whinge – that’s for the fearties. Instead binge on something new, something positive. One step, then another, then another. Nae matter your ability you’re one of us. You start, you grow. Your hidden dreams edge closer. You journey from ‘dour’ to ‘doer’ starts here. Participate in the ‘I Was Gonnae’s music experience.’ It takes you from the ‘rhythmic shake of a cereal packet’ to recording in a studio. It turns you from ‘feartie’ to ‘Braveheart’ – joyous in conquering a new skill, making new friends, learning from others who made the journey and putting YOU on the map. You have the power – nae matter where you live or what you believe – don’t let anyone haud you back.
‘I was Gonnae’ aims to organise two complete Musical experiences before Burns Night on January 25. We will take twenty people and lift their spirits and help them make an inspirational start to 2021.
Help I was gonnae charity make a gallus start to 2021 if you would like to sponsor a programme or make a donation, please contact us:
Phone: 0345 956 9735